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Gangsters with tommy guns
Where do Italian gangsters live?
In the spaghetto.

What do you call a gangster with clean teeth?
5 gangsters calmly walk into a bar. Immediately, a woman rushes up to them and starts yelling at them to get out. "What are you doing!?" yells the bartender. "They haven't even been here for two minutes!"  "Well," the woman retorts. "I've heard that 5G's are bad for the environment!" 
A gangster in Soviet prison goes to the doctor. "Doctor, I'm feeling sick."  The doctor frowns and takes a good look at him. "Have you been drinking?" 
"Yes, doctor..."
"Then come back tomorrow when you've sobered up."  The next day, the convict shows up at the doctor's again. "Doctor, I'm still not feeling well."
"Are you sober?"
"I haven't had a drop since yesterday!"
Concerned, the doctor tells the man, "Then you should have a drink, it will make you feel better." 

Son: "Mom, someone called me gangster at school today."
Mom: "Dont worry I'll go tomorrow and solve this problem."
Son: "Make sure it looks like an accident."
What do you call a gangster who believes in double standards?
A hypocrip.
Never bother a gangster the night before he goes on vacation.
He's probably packing.
Five gangsters walk past a local diner
The owner runs out the door and up to them saying, "Excuse me, I've got a problem and you're the only ones who can solve it!"

The gangsters look at each other confused and ask, "What, why us man?"

"I'll explain later, just come with me!" The owner replies. The curious gangsters follow the owner into the diner, and then they enter the kitchen. In the back, a man is furiously scrubbing metal pots and pans so hard that he's damaging them.

The owner points at the man and says, "My new dishwasher guy is scrubbing the dishes too hard! He's scratching them up and refusing to stop! At this rate, I'm going to have to replace all my dishes!"

One of the gangsters rolls his eyes and says to another gangster, "Yo G, I got this."
The gangster taps the dishwasher on the shoulder and says, "Dude, ease up on those dishes."

But the man keeps scrubbing. Another one of the gangsters says, "That won't do it, G," and he tries to spin the dishwasher around to face them, but the dishwasher man won't budge. "C'mon idiot, ease up on those

But the man is still scrubbing. The third and fourth gangsters try shouting in the man's ears, "EASE UP ON THOSE DAMN DISHES!"

But the man scrubs away. Finally, the fifth gangster has had enough and start pulling on the dishwasher to get him away from the sink and the dishes. Another G joins in, followed by the rest, pulling as hard as they

But it's no use, and they all fall to the floor exhausted while the dishwasher keeps scrubbing, no sign of easing up on the poor dishes.

The owner is shocked and shakes his head in disbelief, "I can't believe it, I was sure this would work."

The fifth gangster looks at him exasperated and says, "Dude, why the hell did you think this would work? What can five gangsters do against a dishwasher who's basically superman?"

The owner replies, "I know it sounded crazy and I had no evidence to prove it, but I really thought that 5Gs could cause dish ease."
Where do gambling gangsters go after they die?
To the Gangster's-Pair-a-Dice.
'Everybody's a gangster until they get punched in the mouth.' - Mike Tyson
And after that, everybody's a gangthter.
If I were a gangster my name would be mitochondria because when I would get arrested I would be the powerhouse of the cell.
Why did the gangster stand under the tree?
Because it was shady.
Why did the gangster have to keep seeing the eye doctor?
Because he had glock-oma.
What do you call gangsters living in the woods?
Cottage G's.
What's a gangster's least favorite food?
What do you call a gangster who wears eyeliner?
An emoji.
How do gangsters receive communications?
Have you heard about the hobo gangster?
Word on the street is he's roofless.
What killed all the 1920's gangsters?
Hepatitis, see!
What were the last words of an Italian gangster?
Who the hell put a violin in my violin case?
What would you call a Jewish, Reggae Artist, and a Gangster?
What did the Mexican gangster say to the house when it fell on top of him?
Get off me homes!!
Why do gangsters hold their guns sideways?
Because that's the way it came in the box.
What does a gangster on an island say when they see a non-electric car?
What do you call a gangster horse?
Al Capony.
What did the gangster's son tell his dad when he failed his exams?
"Dad, they questioned me for 3 hours, but I never told them anything!"
How can you tell if your farmer is a certified gangster?
His cornrows are always straight
Why did the 1920's gangster get scurvy?
What do you get when you cross a gangster and a serial killer?
Did you hear about the gangster that died and whom everyone despised?
He was unbereavable.
Why isn't the word gangster pronounced [Jang-ster]?
Because there ain't no such thing as a soft 'G.'
What do you call it when a gangster accidentally kills a fellow gang member?
Gangsters come into sport shop and one says: "Hey Fred we need to beat some guys up!"
Fred: "Hmmm this baseball bat should be good. It has a signature of Babe Ruth!"
"Fred is this really Babe Ruth's signature?"
Fred: "No but if you beat those guys hard they will not ask about this."
A mob boss sends two of his men to kill a gangster. They park outside his house half an hour before his expected return, check their guns, and wait. Half an hour later, the gangster's not there. They keep waiting in silence, an hour passes - and he's not there. Time passes, and the target is still not home. Finally, one of the hitmen looks at the watch and says: "We've been here for three hours, and he still ain't showed up."
"Jeez," the other hitman says, "I hope nothing happened to him."
A Hippo wants to join the local hippo gang. While speaking with the gang leader he's told in order to join the gang he must have respect for his brothers and impeccable manners. He nods his head and let's the leader know he was raised in a noble, high class family. These things came easy to him. The hippo struts out of the leaders room, holding his head high proud to be a new gang member. He greets the gangsters outside calling them his brothers, only to be called nasty names and laughed at by them. "Damn Hippocrips!", yells the hippo as he runs away.
A woman is pregnant with triplets. One day, a gangster shot her three times in a stomach for a gang initiation. After spending a few months in the hospital, the doctor declared that she made a mysterious recovery and allowed her to return home. She gave birth to 2 girls and 1 boy. 16 years later, one of her daughters walked into her room carrying a bullet. She explained that it fell out while she was using the bathroom. So her mother explained the story about the gangster. Her second daughter walked in puzzled, also holding a bullet. So her mother explained the story again. Finally, her son entered the room crying. His mom said "Let me guess, you were using the bathroom and a bullet came out?" He said: "No, I was jacking off and shot the dog"
I recently inherited an antique set of loaded dice from my grandfather. They used to belong to Al Capone himself. In other words, we've been spending most our lives living with a gangster's pair of dice.
I decided at a young age that I would get buried in the same way as my father. Unfortunately gangsters buried him alive
Side note: could someone please send help?
I am not a pimpstagram
Said the gangster to his grandma.
What's the head of the underwater mafia called?
The Codfather.
Whats the difference between the mafia and an acting troupe?
When the Mafia says break a leg, they mean someone else's.
What do you call a butler in the mafia?
A maid man.
What do you call a guinea pig that has become a member of the mafia?
A hamster.
Did you hear about the mafia Don with memory problems?
He kept making people offers he couldn't remember.
Why was the mafia boss surprised when the Spanish hitman missed his shot
He didn't expect the Spanish Imprecision.
If Caitlyn Jenner joins the mafia
Would she become a made man or a self-made woman?
Just heard that the mafia hired a mime to do their dity work.
You ask why.
Because they don't say a word when questioned.
Why do politicians, bankers and mafia bosses like to play golf?
Because you can play that in handcuffs too.
Mafia goons boiled a man to death in an industrial pasta cooker.
Police are still trying to al dentefy the victim.
Authorities fear that the collapsed bridge in Genoa was made with 'Mafia'
....they've found 6 more bodies than there were people missing.
If the Mafia took over the Paparazzi
it would be a flash mob.
An italian mafia man got in to a Mercedes-Benz model taxi. As he was sitting in the back, he asked the driver: "why is that hood ornament sticking out like that in mercs?"
The driver answered jokingly: "So it would be easier to aim when driving over pedestrians. See that old lady crossing the road over there?" The driver started to acclerate towards her and on the last moment steered away so he didnt hit her. "what was that sound?" the driver asked.
"you missed her, so I got her with my door"
How does the Prague mafia mark its territory?
With a Czech mark.
What's the difference between the Mafia and the Government.
One of them is organised.
What are the mafia's most favorite noodles?
Pasta asciutta.
Did you hear about the actor who only won an award because of the Italian mafia?
It turns out they really know how to rig a Tony.
Mob bosses who date both men and women are tollerated in the Mafia...
... they let bi-Dons be bi-Dons.
The mafia visited the local pizzeria for extortion money.
They wanted their piece of the pie.
What do you call a mafia boss' key?
A don-key
Why doesn't the mafia like elephants?
Bodies don't fit in the trunk.
A mafia boss walks in to see a whale in the torture room.
Whale whale whale, look who we got here!
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